Your Fantastic Elastic Brain: Stretch it Shape It

Link to lesson plans can be found here
Making a Splash
Available on kindle at amazon, Making a Splash is a simple straight forward story of what happens when children persevere and work towards a goal with a growth mindset. This would be a great book to project on a large screen and discuss as the children make connections of their own.

The Most Magnificent Thing
Do you have children that get frustrated when what they are working on doesn't go as they planned? The Most Magnificent Thing is one girl's journey through the creation process and what techniques and strategies she uses to create her most "magnificent thing".
What is the most important thing? What should I be doing? These are questions that children and adults alike ask. The Three Questions by Leo Tolstoy answers these questions in his engaging and beautifully illustrated book. The story takes a look at focusing on what is here and now, focusing on what is important.
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